About Jacqui

Personally and Professionally Qualified

Jacqui has a pretty diverse background, her career has evolved over the years. She now utilises her learned skills and natural talents and expertise honed over time. Each shift enabled her to gain more confidence but also gave her clarity so she works from a place of soul purpose.
The one thing that is a constant theme is that of being authentic. She is able to connect to her inner trust and communicate it clearly, sharing her wisdom and truth to inspire others.

Experience and Training  

She always invested in developing her career skills.  From successful award winning sales manager to independent Celebrant. She is a qualified coach, mentor, NLP Master Trainer, Reiki Master, Holistic Practitioner, business advisor, Energy Alignment Expert, Human Design Interpreter, and laterly Akashic Record Reader. She has invested both hours and money to gain valuable insight from experts in their field. Jacqui is an accomplished presenter, speaker and writer. She is currently the author of two books with two more in the pipeline for 2022.

A bit of a ninja when it comes to shifting resistant energy, mindset, authenticity hacks, holistic process and business growth.

Expertise and Experience

She has spoken at many events to 1000’s of people and been featured on local BBC radio and TV
the author of 2 books – Grow Your Own Networks and Re-emergence. Jacqui has assisted 1000s of business owners to improve their business and their mindset.

From her background as a successful award winning corporate sales manager, she fully understands the need to communicate your message fast. At times that was stressful, as she pushed to be a rare woman in a mans world. Yes that crazy patriarchal system, which is now currently falling apart!.
Somehow she still won using her feminine intuition and presence. Although there were times when she got caught up in the fake ego driven environment. This made her feel like an imposter, self doubting and looking for a new challenge.

The thing that got her through the toughest of times was finding that inner spark of certainty. It was being bold enought to speak up, to be able to stand on stage despite the nerves and anxiey. That’s why she offers Authentic Alignment Mentoring to clients now to help them overcome the imposter that is currently stopping their progress.

Woman on a Mission

Her mission now to wake up career women leaders to embrace their authenticity and own their talents and genius. She wants them to re-emerge  and be catalysts in creating the new paradigm in an evolving business World. It’s not always an easy journey, that’s where you need confidence to speak up with your truth, Her mentoring can help you to get through the shift.

Most people describe her as wise, inspiring, intuitive, witty and charismatic, She is very focused and has a fantastic reputation for being an energy shifting ninja for clients, removing their fears and doubt. They discover and embrace their soul led purpose. They have finally addressed the inner and outer work required to shift.

Other Work

In her other work As a Celebrant , she often speak in the most emotional situation – a funeral, where grief is strong, she crafts and tells the eulogy. Often it's a tale of a life of regret. So she encourages her clients to learn how to deliver and be that soul led speaker. To be able to connect fully with their authentic purposeful message and do all the things they desire, no more eulogies of regret!”

There was once a survey done that found Death Came 1st where people said they would rather be in the coffin than speak next to it, so she is a rarity! If you are fearful of speaking to your audience she can help you overcome those irrational thoughts and emotions that might be stopping you.

If your inner voice has held you back, its time to do something about it, don't allow conditioning to stop you achieving your aspirations, lets work together and remove that inner imposter the one who is keeping you stuck in fear, overwhelm and frustration. Let's bring in the courageous, strong and impactful women who you were truly meant to be.

Jacqui's Client Manifesto

Jacqui's Manifesto for 2022

Re-Emergence exists to:

  • Encourage soul led women in business to be fully present NOW in their own magical magnificence

  • Enable women to really embrace their authenticity and live it courageously each day

  • Eradicate self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and any old paradigm fear-based conditioning

  • Share both practical and conscious wisdom in a confident clear way that creates the impact to change lives for the better

  • Create a progressive pathway of positive transformation through energetic, mindful, emotional, physical, divine soul design and spiritual levels for each client

  • Create a safe space for full acceptance of individuals without fear of being judged or ridiculed for their viewpoints

  • Empower clients to align to their soul’s purpose and infuse their business life with it tooRe-ignite heart-led, confidence that is captivating, clear and credible

  • Regenerate faith and trust and help those ready to rise like a phoenix from the ashes of their former conditioned existence

  • Restore trust to be able to show up uniquely, independent andself-empowered

  • Champion business women who want to make a positive impact in the World

  • Create role models to leave a positive legacy for generations to come

  • Be a source of intuitive wisdom to raise more conscious business leaders in the collective

  • Provide a safe space to be seen, heard and connected for the greater good

  • Demonstrate that you can be heart-centered, graceful, charismatic and still succeed in business

  • Clearly communicate the need for connection, confidence and collaboration in all areas of life

  • Values- Integrity- Independence- Authenticity- Trust- Wise Communication- Empowerment- Love
